How To Keep My Dog Smelling Good Between Baths?

Let’s all be honest here.

As much as we love our pups, nobody really likes a smelly pooch, especially when the little one is trying to snuggle up in our freshly clean blankets. But bathing a canine too often isn’t a good idea either as it could remove the national protective oils from our pet’s body. So what should we do between bath sessions to keep our pup smelling at his best?

Luckily, we have got some amazing tips you can follow to keep your pooch smelling great until his next bath.

Let’s dive in!

How often should you bathe your dog?

First, the best strategy to make sure your furball smells clean is to actually keep him clean. This means frequent bathing and grooming is a must (not too frequent, of course!)

So unless your pooch is suffering from a skin condition requiring extra bathing hours, or the snuggle buddy ends up splashing in a muddy puddle at the dog park, bathing your fido once a month is more than enough. It is also acceptable to bathe your pet less frequently, but most professional dog groomers suggest that a dog should at least get a bath every 12 weeks (3 months).

How to keep your dog clean between baths?

You can take a few steps to reduce the chances of ending up with a smelly pup in between bathing sessions. Also, beware if you notice any particularly bad odors, as this could mean your pooch needs a ride to the vet.

Brush-brush, chop-chop!

First, brushing your pup’s fluffy coat should be a standard part of a regular grooming session. Brushing with the help of the right tool will remove any dirt, allergens, and debris your pet’s coat might have collected. These substances can irritate your dog’s fur and produce less fresh odor.

Regular brushing also helps with the natural distribution of oils, which is excellent for a clean and healthy coat, and it removes any loose hair and leaves the fur shining.

While brushing, do check if your fido needs a little trim. When a pup’s fur gets a bit too long, it is easier for debris and dirt to get trapped in, which increases the chances of you ending up with a smelly canine.

Wash your dog bed

Even if your pooch is just done with his regular bathing session, dirty and smelly bedding can make him pick up some pretty awful odors. Dog beddings usually soak up a lot of whiffs over time, and this is especially true if your pooch jumps straight into bed after his trip outside.

While getting your canine bedding, make sure you buy something that is easy to wash on a regular basis. Plus, don’t mind washing any snuggling items or blankets your pup might sleep with. This will eliminate the dirt that can cling to your pet’s coat.

Use a no-rinse shampoo

If your fluff baby gets dirty after a long walk, or the little one just doesn’t smell his best for some reason, you could always opt for a bath-less shampoo. These shampoos are similar to our dry shampoos and are great for refreshing your pet’s coat.

Since no-rinse shampoos don’t require any water, you can apply them literally anywhere, anytime. There are two versions of these products, foamy and powdered ones, and you can grab whatever you like the best.

Keep a close eye on oral care

Let’s face it. A lot of times, the smells we actually pick up from our canine companions aren’t from their fur or coat. Instead, you might notice your fido lacks the best smelling breath. This would be pretty obvious if the pooch likes to lick your face a lot.

Canines are prone to developing the same dental problems as humans. They also suffer from plaque buildup and gum disease. Brushing your pet’s choppers regularly or getting some dog dental treats is a great idea to keep these diseases at bay.

You can also invest in some liquid dental care products to add to your pet’s drinking water which can fight plaque and keep your pet’s breath smelling fresh.

Watch over your dog’s digestion

While your pet’s bathroom habits are never gonna smell great, the last thing you want to deal with is a digestive concern contributing to nasty odors. A low-quality diet and poor dog food can often lead to turgidness and even foul body odor for your canine.

Generally, it is best to get a recommendation from your veterinarian before purchasing dog food. You can research the kind of ingredients great for your pet’s breed. Probiotics are also an excellent investment for promoting healthy digestion and improved nutrient absorption.

Use a DIY lemon water spritz

If you don’t want to invest in no-rinse shampoos, lemon water can give a shine to your pup’s fur. Simply slash a lemon into thin slices and put it into hot water. Leave this mixture for the night and spry it on your fido.

Let the spritz dry, then gently brush the hair out. It will give your pet’s coat a freshly bathed look. Plus, the mixture also works as a skin soother and flea killer.


  • Store the mixture in a container and refrigerate for later use.
  • If your dog has a darker fur, this mixture may lighten it.
  • Get some cleaning wipes.

If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of making your own spray, look for some nontoxic dog cleaning wipes.

These wipes are gentle, moisturizing, and smell lovely. You can use these to clean your pup’s paw pads, the rear ends, or the entire body.

Invest in some dog perfumes or cologne

Dog perfumes are popular for pups who don’t smell so great between baths. Most of these perfumes are long-lasting, light, and aromatic.

Final words

Though your canine might not always smell as if he has just taken a bath, above mentioned tips would at least mean you don’t have to worry about the foul odor making your friends run away. Follow our advice, and your pal will stay huggable for longer.
