Do Maine Coon Cats Shed? Understanding the Shedding Habits of this Popular Breed

The large size and lush coat make the Maine Coon cat an adorable pet for most people. But the biggest question that lingers on many minds is, do Maine Coon cats shed?

Having spotted its fluffier fur, many pet admirers hesitate owning the cat breed. The long or semi-long fur creates the impression that it registers a high degree of shedding. Read on and discover the truth.

All About Maine Coon Cats

Maine coon cats are adorable pets of Maine state origin. Often, they possess fluffy long, or semi-long hair. At a closer inspection, you’ll realize the Maine coon cats have a double coat.

The inner coat traps air and thus helps the animal keep warm in cold weather. However, the outer layer is waterproof.

Added to the fur-filled paws, the cat finds it easy to brave the chilly winter. Unlike other cat breeds, Maine Coon is water-loving.

So Do Maine Coon Cats Shed

Most people fear the cat breed. To them, its long hair and size mean heavy shedding. Many cat species do shed; what differs is the degree.

And contrary to the expectation, Maine coon cats shed less than the average cat. It even requires less maintenance compared to some cats with short fur.

But the degree of shedding may depend on genetics, prevailing weather, and health status. Also, the fluffier Maine cats tend to shed more than their silkier counterparts.

So, you don’t have to shy off from keeping the cat for fear of high maintenance costs. There are steps you can take to manage its shedding habit.

Understanding the Maine Coon Shedding Habit

Remember, the cat breed came from the cold climate of Maine. And that’s why it has double coats. The inner layer traps air and thus gives thermal insulation in cold weather. On the other hand, the outer layer is waxy and waterproof.

By default, the outdoor Maine coon cat sheds the inner coat twice a year- spring and fall. When the season changes, the cat must grow a new undercoat that adapts to the new season. So, as you might have expected, the shedding climaxes in spring and fall.

Apart from responding to the changing season, Maine coon’s shedding is hardly noticeable. But, the indoor weather may disrupt the shedding pattern of the cat. Thus, you can expect the Maine Coon cat to undergo a minimal degree of shedding all year round.

Therefore, it’s wise to study and understand the healthy and unhealthy shedding trends of your Mine Coon cat.

Factors Influencing Maine Coon Shedding Pattern

Humidity and Heat

The cat’s double coat helps in heat regulation. When you subject the Maine Coon to an environment of high temperatures, they instinctively begin to shed profusely.

That is because they don’t need the thick inner coat for insulation in such a setting. Instead of being helpful, the inner coat would be doing more harm than good. Hence they shed the underlying coat.

Therefore, during the warm weather, it helps to brush the Maine Coon cat often. Regularly brushing with an appropriate brush helps remove the loose hair in an orderly manner.

Prevailing Health Condition

A healthy cat presents an adorable coat. On the contrary, unhealthy cats often have dull coats. Further, the pet may also display patches on the skin and excessive scratching.

Such symptoms on your Maine cocoon signify an underlying health problem. Often that can be brought about by any of the following:

  • Ticks and fleas infestation causing severe itching and scratching
  • Consumption of toxic or poisonous food.
  • Food allergies
  • Medication side effects

The above factors may induce unhealthy shedding behavior in the Maine coon cat. Visiting a vet would help narrow down and arrest the health problem in time.


Prolonged stress and anxiety are other causes of the off-season shedding trend in the Maine coon cat. Other giveaway symptoms of stress in the pet include:

  • Chewing on furniture or indoor plants
  • Inappropriate use of litter tray
  • Becoming unfriendly to humans and other household pets
  • Poor eating habit
  • Hissing and Pouting
  • Constipation

Often identifying the stress-causing factor is the long-lasting solution. If you fail to single out the problem, consider visiting a cat behaviorist or vet for help.

Poor Hygiene

Failure to keep the Pet in top hygiene condition can also induce unhealthy shedding. If that’s the cause, the following tips can help:

Regular Brushing

Brushing the cat twice or thrice a week is helpful. It takes away the loose fur and spreads out the natural oil on the body. But you need to employ the right brush.

Regular Trimming of Hair and Nails

When the cat has excessively long hair on some parts, it promotes matting. Foreign particles, urine, or litter may cause the matting of the coat around the neck or paw. Regular trimming of the nails and fur is hence useful.


Using lukewarm water and gentle cat shampoo, clean your Maine Coon can. Unlike other cat breeds, the Maine Coon isn’t water-hating. In ordinary circumstances bathing a cat isn’t that necessary. However, when there is a need, consider using waterless shampoo wipes.

Poor Nutrition

Poor nutrition is another chief cause of shabby hair and unhealthy shedding behavior. Feeding your cat an unbalanced diet affects her in the following ways:

  • Development of weak fur roots, which leads to more hairball cases and excessing shedding
  • Unhealthy weight. Such a cat can’t carry out self-grooming as usual
  • Tooth problems
  • Poor eating habits

Subscribing to the right diet (abundance of protein and fats) is vital. Otherwise, your cat can’t attain optimum health.

Hence Do Maine Coon Cats Shed?

Maine coon cats have double coats and long hair. Contrary to the expectation, the pet experiences shedding but to a manageable level like other cats with short hair.

However, comb through the post to have a thorough understanding of the question; do Maine coon cats shed?
